Ciudad de las Piedras

North of Deming is the City of Rocks State Park . What you will see there today measures it’s existence in millions of years. Over the last 30 million years, these mysterious rocks were wind-carved and rain worn, sculpted into outlandish streets and houses, temples and towers, some so improbable they could as well be the figments of an exploding dream. Man has been there also. Shards of pottery and arrowheads have been found there (and continue to be found today). Spanish Conquistadores carved mysterious crosses on the rocks, signs, some say, which may point to a long buried treasure. Every city has its legends. Explore her streets at will. Have fun! Rejoice in the park’s severe, relentless beauty.
Al parque se le conoce por sus espectaculares vistas del cielo nocturno, con su destellante exhibición de estrellas, constelaciones, planetas y otras maravillas del universo. Tus vistas serán mejoradas por un telescopio de alta potencia disponible allí mismo. Planea tu visita para asistir a uno de los programas astronómicos primaverales Stars-n-Parks (Parques-y-Estrellas) en la Ciudad de las Piedras y explora el cielo nocturno con una presentación formal y observaciones por el telescopio. El Observatorio Publico Nacional patrocina los eventos, los cuales también se llevan a cabo en el Parque Estatal Rockhound.


327 NM-61, Faywood, NM 88034